Registration and fees:
Registration Opens March 29th at 8am.
Race registration is for Saturday and Sunday only, one event pit pass per registration
Early Race entry fee of $300 for both days all 6 heats, Qualifying and 2 warm up sessions (One Saturday One Sunday).
Friday Official Practice $50.00
Regular Race entry after April 13th $400.00
Friday Official Practice $75
After May 11th or AT GATE Race entry $500.00
Friday Official Practice $100
Wednesday and Thursday Practice $70.00 each day 9AM to 5:30pm ($85at the gate)
Pit Spaces Final Configuration to be update
Pit Passes, for event (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) $45. ($60 at the gate)
Daily pit passes available at the gate at $25.00ea.
Fuel: spec fuel TBA
Tires: TBA
Cadet and Sportsman Front and Rear 4.5
Jr2 and up Front 4.5 Rear 6.0
Qualifying and All 6 heats will be ran on same set of tires. (No Tire Treatment)